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What you get:

  • A complete dump of the project (except the TYPO3 core itself)
  • Templates for the extensions, as you can see them here, are included
  • Structured TypoScript files facilitate adaptation
  • Possibility of optimized image quality for the bootstrap display levels
  • All required extensions are included in the dump
  • TYPO3 compatibility: 10.4 LTS
  • Compatible with PHP 7.3, 7.4
  • bootstrap 4.5.0
  • The CSS files of the bootstrap framework are written in scss format. A compiler is already integrated
  • The layout is generated with Flux, an extension of Fluid
  • You can remove the links to the websites WapplerSystems.de/wappler.systems and T3Bootstrap.de if you have purchased the template
  • Future versions of the template for TYPO3 version 10

You are currently getting a dump of this page because the importer of TYPO3 is not working correctly. But of course you can take the extensions from the archive file and install them into an empty or existing TYPO3 installation. You would then have to do all the integrations yourself.

The template is suitable for advanced TYPO3 developers, because working with the Bootstrap Framework and Responsive Design requires some experience. After downloading it is unfortunately no longer possible to return digital products. No responsibility can be taken for errors in the TYPO3 core or extensions. However, I am happy to offer advice and support.
Frequently asked questions: https://blog.t3bootstrap.de/2018/03/haeufig-gestellte-fragen-und-deren-antworten/

Of course you can ask me for support or an installation by me or you can report errors to me, which I will of course fix as soon as possible. These will also be published on blog.t3bootstrap.de.

If you are interested, please send an email with your contact details to info@wappler.systems so that an invoice can be issued. You can transfer the amount by bank transfer or Paypal. You will then receive the download link where you can always download the latest versions. If you have any questions or need advice, you will find the contact details on WapplerSystems.

If you need a hoster for TYPO3, I can recommend one. I prefer hosts specialized in TYPO3, because they are...

  • ...automatic security updates for the core and extensions
  • ...an update of the version can be carried out conveniently through an administration interface
  • ...optimally adapt the server environment to TYPO3. PHP, GraphicsMagick, ImageMagick, MySQL and file permissions are optimally prepared

To receive news, please follow me on Twitter, Facebook or visit/subscribe to the blog blog.t3bootstrap.de

You must purchase the lightbox script fancybox for commercial projects.

Special thanks to Tim Liß, who provided some of his photos for this template: timliss.de


Go to the installation guide

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* = plus 19% VAT for German customers